dimanche 15 mars 2020

protect yourself and prepare for coronavirus

Comments on the protection and prevention of coronavirus
The World Health Organization and Demarcation of Coronavirus Diseases and the number of agency-related cases in the world. Peuvent's databases are endorsed by the publisher of your right to risk or disinfect other people.
Pair Amelia Nierenberg
You can do the following:
If you feel bad, rest with the house
Wash these elnätet. Avec du savon. Ensuite, lavez-les à nouveau.
Rester reported
The coronavirus begins to spread worldwide, with more than 127,000 confirmed cases and more than 5,000 inhabitants. Aux États-Unis, you can find 1,297 cases and over 35 articles, including a New York Times database.
With children, happy children, continuation and adequate flu vaccination.
Ne stockez pas les masques
Concerned about the scholarship? Breathe deeply.
More information on medicine, medications and resources.
"Nous savons qu'il and aura des milliers d'autres cas," according to jeudi matine's vice president Mike Pence on NBC's "Today" television network. These lyrics by arenor quelques heures seulement after anonymous president Trump, in a speech to national television, restoration times in the travel supplement for Ettats-Unis and Provençal de visse partier de Europa.

Coronavirus is the most common virus. The people identified, the cells that are the health problems of sous-jacents and the cells that do not belong to the social security fillet, are those that are most vulnerable to infection and social problems.
When you see the phone that contains all the necessary connections, there is a message that can be useful.
Le plus viktigt: ne paniquez pas. With a list of articles and simple articles, you can help increase your comments, prepare your family, and do your part to protect others.

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